Breakthrough San Juan Capistrano is an equity-focused and anti-racist program.

We are committed to creating and supporting a diverse community that upholds and celebrates the inherent dignity of every person. Breakthrough is a space for all involved to show up and be present in their identities to the fullest extent.

We approach this work with love because it extends grace, supports in times and areas of weakness, fights for justice in wrongdoing, and celebrates us as we are. Because we are aware of the harmful impact of unjust systems against our communities, we emphasize and honor our humanity by building meaningful relationships, gathering together, and sharing joy often.

We exist as a response to educational inequity and injustice and work to ensure that every student ultimately receives everything they need to reach their goals. Our program exists to center those underrepresented in our community, and to do our work well, we must be anti-racist in nature, in policy, and in practice.

We believe that our work is ongoing and builds on the work of the past to pave new futures. To create new futures, we must collaborate because there is much to learn from our communities and others. If we are truly learning, we know we won’t be perfect, but we will be active participants, embrace our mistakes, and celebrate our growth and achievement.