This summer, Breakthrough SJC will enter its thirteenth summer school program, and this coming year will mark exciting changes for the program. During the 2017-2018 school year, we launched a new, multi-year strategic plan, focused on three priorities over the next five years:

  1. Support students through college graduation.
  2. Serve more students.
  3. Create institutional sustainability.

Support students through college graduation – This priority stems from ongoing conversation with our Breakthrough alumni and parents, who have told us that the transition to college is challenging, especially when no one else in the home has gone to college. In fact, on a survey of students, parents, and alumni about how Breakthrough could evolve its services, the “Provide more support for students once they enter college (alumni support)” option was far and above the top choice.

This summer, we will support students through college graduation by launching our inaugural “BT Bridge” program, an eight-session workshop designed to guide students from high school graduation to the college campus experience.

Serve more students – This priority stems from a message that we continue to hear from our students, families, and community. The message is that there are more students who want to be part of Breakthrough, make the commitment, and graduate from college. As one surveyed parent put it, “I would like to see other children have the same opportunities…so they can be the first in their families to graduate.”

This summer, we will serve more students by welcoming 118 students, our largest number to date! In fact, to ensure that students are getting Breakthrough-quality instruction, we will also increase from 20 to 24 teaching fellows.

Create institutional sustainability – This priority stems from Breakthrough’s ongoing commitment to institutional and fiscal responsibility. We are excited to grow, and we are wholeheartedly committed to evolving in a gradual, purposeful manner.

We have already started to create institutional sustainability. We recently established our first-ever endowment, which will set us up for future success!

Breakthrough San Juan Capistrano continues guiding students from middle school to college, and now we have a strategic plan to guide our very bright future!

You can read the full strategic plan here.