A panel of students from Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA) at California State University San Marcos gave Breakthrough SJC students a glimpse of the opportunities available to them as first generation students entering college. The panel was led by MEChA Co-chair Selena Arellano and included MeChA students Lizbeth and Saul. According to Arellano, “[MEChA is] determined to develop political, social and cultural consciousness and stand in solidarity with those who are oppressed and fight for justice.” Presenting to Breakthrough SJC is just one of the many ways MEChA carries out their mission.

Members of the panel spoke about their own experiences applying to college and about taking advantage of the resources that were offered to them as first generation college students. Breakthrough SJC students also received a private tour led by Arellano where they visited the Latin@ Center, LGBTQ Pride Center, various classrooms, and the statue of Cesar Chavez. We would like to thank the students from MEChA for sharing their stories and allowing Breakthrough SJC to explore CSU San Marcos.