Director Victor Cota with Greg Williams from CCPrep

As this year rapidly progresses, we would like to reflect on the generosity of our 2016 community partners:

Ball Park Pizza
Carlos Mexican Restaurant
Comprehensive College Prep
Pacific Symphony Heartstrings Program
McDonald’s San Juan Capistrano
Ocean Institute
Passion Planner LLC
Printing OC
Ricardo’s Place
Rimrock Capital Management, LLC
Smart Software Solutions, Inc.
St. Joseph Health (We Care Committee)

These partners have exemplified the meaning of giving and have continued to help our program thrive. As a result, we have been able to stay true to our mission of providing educational opportunities for our highly motivated, underserved students as well as providing an enriching experience for our teachers. Whether these partners donated services or donated food or finances, we appreciate each one wholeheartedly. We want to send out a huge thank you for being our valued partners in 2016.

If your company or organization would like to become a new or returning community partner in 2017, please reach out to AmeriCorps VISTA Community Coordinator Jessica Dinh at or 949-661-0108, ext 1348. You can also donate here today!