Last week for Career Day, students explored careers that they can consider pursuing after college graduation. Career Day is an annual BTSJC event where we encourage students to dress up as the career they aspire to and we welcome guest speakers from varying careers to speak to our students. This year, BTSJC welcomed five guest speakers: lawyers Jason Velez and Scott McDonald from 1Law, ER doctor Bill Honigman from Kaiser, engineer Kenneth Chen from Fluor, and reporter Norberto Santana from Voice of OC.

Students broke up into small groups to hear presentations from the five different guest speakers. All guest speakers touched on their educational backgrounds and discussed the details of their careers.  Norberto Santana, reporter for the Voice of OC, spoke on his struggles as a first-generation college student and English language learner. One piece of advice he had for students was, “Do what you are passionate about, find what your calling is, that’s three fourths of it.” Thank you to all of the presenters for speaking about your careers and inspiring our students!